About Me


Hi! I’m Hannah

Intuitive Tarot Reader & Conscious Crystal Seller

I fell into this world by accident. This was never the direction I imagined my life would take. It all began as a bit of fun…

I went to get my cards read for a laugh. Instead of laughing, I sat in disbelief for an hour as a perfect stranger knew more about me than I did.

Not long after that reading, I went to visit my sister and was so drawn to a Tarot deck in one of those mystical shops in Newcastle. I resisted the urge, only to dream about that deck three days in a row. After the third night, I rang my sister and told her to get it. And the rest, as they say, is history. Six years on, I don’t think a day has gone by without me pulling a card. It is safe to say that that reading changed my life and began paving the way towards my North Node.

The name, Navigating Your North Node, came in me in the midst of my Saturn Return. I was cycling back over big karma, buckling under the weight of unlearnt lessons and fighting the call of change. My North Node is in Capricorn, in the 10th House, which is all about legacy, stepping into positions of authority and leading. This was not what I wanted to do. This was, in fact, the opposite of what I wanted to do. The events that proceeded to happen over the remaining course of those years enforced tower moment after tower moment until I relented. Each brutal blow put me back on the path of my North Node. I was certain I wasn’t alone in these experiences. I wanted to create a space where I could share my journey, and hopefully inspire and support others through theirs.

A big part of this process is the call to share my darkness with you as I continue to navigate my very own North Node. We are bombarded with the pretence of “perfection” day in and day out. I hope that by sharing my less than savoury parts, my personal struggles and vices, that you might not feel so alone in yours. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been learning (the hard way) that vulnerability is actually our greatest strength. When we show up authentically, we allow others the space to do the same. My guides have been adamant that this is one of the ways I engage with the world. You can check out my musings here.