Fluorite Point


Growth - Renewal - Spring-like Freshness

Named after the Latin word, fluere, meaning ‘to flow,’ this crystal is all about clarity of heart. I experience Fluorite as such a beautiful light, playful yet focused energy – the energy that we embody when we are in flow state.

The crystal-clear appearance of this stone reflects its ability to bring clarity to what is truly residing in our heart. We can often get lost in a sea of our own emotions (at least, I know I can!), Fluorite can aid that often challenging process of unravelling feelings we like to keep hidden beneath the surface. I like to work with it when I’m journalling and have found it to be really beneficial for coming to terms with new beginnings and changes in my life.

Ultimately though, for me, Green Fluorite is a stone of regeneration. It calls to you when you’re ready to take the steps towards more lightness, more heart-centred living. If you’ve been navigating a personal winter in your life, let Green Fluorite support you in beginning to melt away the frost and welcoming in the sun, like Persephone gently waking the first buds of spring.

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