Included Quartz
Clarity - Consciousness - Focus
For me, Clear Quartz supports in providing a sense of clarity and a higher perspective. Linked to the crown chakra, being our higher self, I have found these beauties to help me connect “Human Hannah” to “Higher Hannah.” I will often sleep with Clear Quartz next to my bed if I’m wanting clarity about a certain situation, or to help me to understand messages held in my dreams. I have been amazed to find that after doing so, I wake up with much more focus and direction. Sometimes I am even woken up mid sleep with full blown sentences or images echoing around my mind!
Quartz is a natural amplifier; it’s used in watches and other electrical devices as a way to conduct energy so is a no brainer for enhancing the energy of surrounding crystals!
Included Quartz
Clarity - Consciousness - Focus
For me, Clear Quartz supports in providing a sense of clarity and a higher perspective. Linked to the crown chakra, being our higher self, I have found these beauties to help me connect “Human Hannah” to “Higher Hannah.” I will often sleep with Clear Quartz next to my bed if I’m wanting clarity about a certain situation, or to help me to understand messages held in my dreams. I have been amazed to find that after doing so, I wake up with much more focus and direction. Sometimes I am even woken up mid sleep with full blown sentences or images echoing around my mind!
Quartz is a natural amplifier; it’s used in watches and other electrical devices as a way to conduct energy so is a no brainer for enhancing the energy of surrounding crystals!