Included Quartz Point


Clarity - Consciousness - Focus

For me, Clear Quartz supports in providing a sense of clarity and a higher perspective. Linked to the crown chakra, being our higher self, I have found these beauties to help me connect “Human Hannah” to “Higher Hannah.” I will often sleep with Clear Quartz next to my bed if I’m wanting clarity about a certain situation, or to help me to understand messages held in my dreams. I have been amazed to find that after doing so, I wake up with much more focus and direction. Sometimes I am even woken up mid sleep with full blown sentences or images echoing around my mind! 

Quartz is a natural amplifier; it’s used in watches and other electrical devices as a way to conduct energy so is a no brainer for enhancing the energy of surrounding crystals! 

There are natural chunks seemingly “missing” shown in the final two pictures due to how the inclusions have formed on this particular piece. It is completely natural.

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